
The nasal septum refers to the thin cartilage wall located between your nostrils. When the nasal septum is misaligned or crooked towards one side, it causes one nasal passage to be larger than the other, which can cause nasal blockage, reduced airflow, and breathing problems. Moreover, this problem can interfere with nasal drainage, leading to an increased frequency of infection and postnasal drip.

A septoplasty, also known as septal reconstruction, is a procedure that involves straightening the deviated septum to restore efficient airflow through the nostrils and improve breathing. This procedure can also be performed to address conditions that impede the nasal airway, such as nasal polyps.

What are the symptoms of a deviated septum?

When the nasal septum deviates due to genetics or an injury, it can cause several symptoms, including:

  • Blockage of one or both nostrils
  • Recurrent nosebleeds or sinus infections
  • Nasal mucous membranes inflammation
  • Facial pain and nose pressure
  • Breathing through the mouth
  • Sleep problems, such as snoring or sleep apnea


If your symptoms are mild and not causing you any breathing issues, you may benefit from medical treatments, such as steroid sprays to reduce inflammation, nasal dilators, decongestants, and antihistamines.

However, If this condition is causing you breathing problems, dizziness, or recurrent sinus infection, our ENT doctor may recommend surgery to adjust the deviated septum.

What to expect before septoplasty?

During the consultation, our ENT doctor will review your medical history, ask about the medications you are taking and any allergies you may have and will examine your nose and run some tests to role out any conditions with similar symptoms, such as nasal polyps, infections, and allergies.

Once the doctor decides that the surgery is suitable for you, they will provide you with pre-surgery instructions to follow to avoid complications during and after the procedure. You will need to refrain from eating or drinking after midnight the night before the procedure and from taking any blood thinners a week before surgery. You will also need to stop smoking as it hinders the healing process. You should arrange for someone to drive you home after the procedure.

What happens during septoplasty?

A septoplasty takes around 30 minutes to complete and is carried out under general anesthesia.

Our ENT surgeon begins the procedure by making incisions inside the nose to lift the mucous membrane covering the septum and move the deviated septum into the correct position. The surgeon then reshapes the septum by trimming and eliminating sections of the cartilage and bone and then repositions the mucous membrane. Spreader grafts, which are small cartilage reinforcement strips, can be used to help repair a deviated septum along the bridge of the nose.

Once finished, the surgeon will close the incisions with absorbable stitches. In some cases, packing is put in both nostrils to help prevent bleeding, and silicone splints are put into each nostril to stabilize the septum.

What to expect after septoplasty?

Most patients can return home on the same day as the procedure and fully recover within a couple of months. You may experience minor pain for a day or two, but the doctor will prescribe pain medication to alleviate discomfort. You may also experience some congestion and bleeding that will subside after a week or two.

After surgery, you will notice a significant improvement in your nasal obstruction and breathing, and the procedure will help reduce your snoring and nosebleeds. To ensure a smooth recovery, you should get plenty of rest, avoid touching your nose, and sleep with your head raised. You should also avoid blowing your nose or drinking alcohol for a couple of days.

When should I see my doctor after undergoing septoplasty?

You will need to see your doctor during the 3 to 4 months following your septoplasty so that they can examine your nose to ensure that it is healing properly.